Document Management Company
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Document Lifecycle
  • Document Capture
  • Metadata Extraction
  • Text Extraction
  • Document Retrieval
  • Records Management Policy
About Us

Scanning Service Description

Document Management Company (hereafter �DMC? provides its Scanning Service to clients desiring to offload the cost, complexity, and administration issues associated with converting documents into digital formats. This is a fully customizable service, tailorable to meet the needs of each client and the particulars of the client�s documents.  A complete scanning process involves (a) planning, (b) document pickup, (c) preparing documents for scanning, (d) scanning, extracting metadata, naming, indexing, and OCRing, (e) exporting data into the customer�s desired format, (f) delivery of scanned images to the client, (g) loading of scanned images into the client�s repository, and (h) disposition of the hardcopy originals in accordance with the client�s document retention policies. Each of these process steps are discussed below


During the planning process, DMC and Client personnel agree on scan resolution, how pages will be grouped into documents, how documents will be grouped into folders, what additional index data will be captured about each document, whether full-text Optical Character Recognition (�OCR? should be performed on scanned images, and what format will be used for document delivery. DMC uses computer-assisted technologies to capture metadata. As part of the planning process, DMC will determine the most effective process for automating data capture, which may involve placing a cover sheet or identifying label on the cover page of each batch. These mechanisms will be submitted for client approval as the cover page or label image will become part of the delivered result. DMC stores hardcopy documents after scanning, until the client�s document retention requirements are satisfied, then securely destroys them. Alternatively, hardcopies can be returned to the customer for storage and disposition. During the planning process, test scans are performed to validate the automation, documentation, and other decisions. Pickup and delivery schedules, and turnaround requirements are also established during the planning phase.

Pickup and delivery

Pickup and delivery can be performed by customer or DMC personnel. If performed by DMC, a per-trip fee will apply based on the client�s distance from DMC offices.

Document Preparation

Document preparation is a necessary part of the scanning process. For control purposes, the customer is requested to provide a log, in both hardcopy and electronic form, of documents being transferred. DMC personnel will verify the log against the documents received, enter the relevant information into DMC�s work tracking system, and perform data entry necessary to ensure efficient identification and indexing of client documents. Then, staples are removed, pages are smoothed, and page counts are taken on each unit of work. Document Preparation (�Prep? is charged at a flat rate per hour based on actual effort.

Scanning, Indexing and OCR

Scanning is performed, index fields are populated, pages are grouped into documents, documents are grouped into folders, and quality control procedures are followed. Scanning is normally charged at a flat rate per image.

Optical Character Recognition

If requested, full-text Optical Character Recognition is performed. OCR is charged as Prep time, based on computer processing time used.


Upon completion of scanning, documents are exported into the agreed delivery format and media. Export is generally bundled into the per-piece Scanning rate. Completed scans are returned to the client during the next pickup and delivery cycle.


Unless otherwise arranged, completed scans will be placed in standard-sized storage boxes, inventoried, and stored at DMC�s facilities until the client instructs DMC to dispose of the material. A per-month charge applies per box stored, and a one-time per-box fee applies when boxes are destroyed. During the storage period, DMC will pull items or entire boxes for a pull fee.